
***IT PRO Corporate Choice 2016 提名已經結束***

如有任何問題,請聯絡Doris Mo (電話 :852 3900 0543 或電郵:[email protected])

***IT PRO Corporate Choice 2016 Nomination Period Closed***

For any questions relating to the process, please call Doris Mo on 852 3900 0543 or email [email protected].
IT PRO Corporate Choice目的是表揚出色及卓越方案(服務或產品),頒獎禮及午餐會邀請本地知名領袖及獲獎公司出席。
評審標準 –

The annual Awards are designed to identify and reward solutions (Services or Products) who have demonstrated an unparalleled ability to succeed and have continually set standards of excellence. Be a part of this exclusive and prestigious award ceremony and luncheon of the region’s leading CIOs.

Judging Criteria –
> Business and technology innovation
> Business strategy and execution
> Competitiveness in the global market
> Cost and effectiveness